Thursday, January 24, 2013

What the determinants of organizational behavior ?

We will address to the study of organizational behavior, through a review of the most important studies and research conducted on organizational behavior during the past years, in the literature of management and organizational behavior and psychology administrative, industrial and social, and anthropology (Anthropology) and other relevant sciences.

As we review the evolution of the concept aware of organizational behavior, since its inception in the early twentieth century until the present day, where has gone through evolution took the name and purpose and effectiveness, through a review of the top schools that have emerged, research and theories and models developed in the United States of America - As the State in which the evolution of this science - due to the development of the science of management and other behavioral sciences that have contributed to the development of this science, such as:

psychology, sociology and anthropology (Anthropology) and ecology (environmental relations).

First - what organizational behavior:

Sees Sazlaja and Wallace that organizational behavior is interest in the study of the behavior, trends and tendencies and the performance of employees organizational units: official organizations and groups affect the perceptions of employees and their feelings and their movements, and affect the environment in organizations and human resources and objectives.

Mitchell believes that the areas of organizational behavior covers two main and two substantive, namely:

(1) the causes of human behavior as individuals and as groups.

(2) how to use this information to help individuals to become more productive and satisfaction in work organizations.

It analyzes Kamnks the field of organizational behavior and the main dimensions, and see that it contains the following factors:

(1) an emphasis on the establishment of causal relationships.

(2) loyalty and commitment to change.

(3) humanitarian concern to individuals.

(4) Interest regulatory events.

(5) the use of research and practical methods.

Cons Athans organizational behavior "cares directly and understanding to predict and control human behavior in organizations: that is, it represents the way behavioral management and not the entire administration".

As Leary Davis that "the term organizational behavior is applied widely on the interaction of the human element through all kinds of organizations, such as: business, government business, schools, public service organizations. Wherever solve individual participants each other in the form of an official to achieve certain goals , so there is an interaction between individuals, technical and organizational structure "and adds Davis" These three elements affect and are affected by the social order outside (the general environment), and described this interaction to the four elements - namely: individuals, technical, structure, general environment - as organizational behavior. "

From the point of view of administrative Davis asserts that managers bear a great responsibility in terms of their access to organizational behavior, because they are the ones who make the decisions that affect a lot of their employees to labor organizations. Represents managers substantially the administrative system, and in organizational behavior have their unification between the social system (human system) and technical system. And to improve the relations of individuals in organizations.

The foregoing, we find that human behavior and organizational means human interaction variables (human behavior) with organizational variables (the behavior of the organization or the workplace and other factors affecting).

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